Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Texture of Life

Tenderness towards oneself is incredibly sweet. Though you crave gentleness - and everyone does - the sweetness can be hard to take. It seeps right through the protective crust, all the way down to the core. Your whole being, body included, softens in that sweet nurturance, and the frozen, untouched places deep inside begin to thaw. As you melt, don't be surprised if tears seep out as well. Cherish the tears. They are the water of your soul.

With the soft touch of inner compassion, the texture of outer life softens as well, and the world suddenly seems more compassionate too. Your belly and chest breathe more freely and you have softened into your core. You begin to live from the inside out, so you are bathed in your own atmosphere no matter where you go. With every breath you drink in the sweetness and your entire body is saturated with tender joy. Without any effort or abstract rule, tender joy for others bleeds through. Sensing this, people respond in kind, and even chance meetings in the market or street can be rich with heart. You are permeable, connected and available for life. You have melted into the stream of love that pulses through every body, the unchanging reality behind the changing shapes. Like a river pulled toward the ocean, you glide into deeper waters, the eternal now beneath the passage of time. Slowly, quietly, tenderly, you slide home.

Your Passion, Pleasure, and Inner Peace"
© Camille Maurine & Lorin Roche, Ph.D. (HarperOne, 2001)

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