Monday, June 15, 2009

Creativity= the encounter of the intensively conscious human being with his or her world.

(yes- this is us)


  1. Creativity hovers on the periphery waiting to be born by the glance of recognition.

  2. slanyslink i was talking w emilie about this today.
    about arriving. never having arrived. being in a play of always arriving - degrees of arrival. more and more subtle and grand and more refined and more magic. there's never a conclusion. we are movement.
    and at each moment the next opens up. on and on and onn.
    and this is the perpetual DISCOVERY. always new, always scintillating. this is creation. creativity.
    and its also the participation mystique: when we are engaged, when we participate in our own bio-cosmic process - the constant unfolding of ourselves - something new, something unexpected and marvelous emerges. just like the courage guy say.
    and if it makes it onto a canvas or onto a stage so be it, but it is really happening inside of us. every moment. it's never anywhere else but exactly right here. shhh.. and it opens up. veils and veils of now and now and bliss. this is the flow. so yes. the courage to look. to be inside this moment. to be completely inside yourself. inside of love.
    i ii iii

  3. we can never stop.
    movement and joy.
