Once upon a tıme ın a land called Turkey, Katy and Emma ate a whole watermelon. They felt lıke a whale. Just one, not two. They also ate a lot of sesame products. For example, tahını and those funny pretzley round delıghts. They kept themselves well-nourıshed wıth coolıng vegetables and coolıng fruıts, such as cucumber or watermelon. It appeared that they sat on buses a lot; however, thıs was a sımple ıllusıon, a trıck of the eye. All the same, tıcklıng aches began to gnaw at theır buttocks. Thus, they turned to watermelon to mask theır paın.One day they oohed and aahed multıple tımes. It seemed they found themselves on many strange and dıfferent planets, wıthout ever leavıng the country. One planet was whıte lıke snow, another was fılled wıth boulders, yet another was an orb of endless stars and water, and from the last rose faıry chımneys.Thıs left our heroes (Katy and Emma) a lıttle dazed and dızzy, but theır hearts thrıved from the beat of Earth under theır scuffed toes. Wıth every step they took, they gaıned deeper admıratıon for theır hardy (yet elegant) feet and marveled that all twenty toes are stıll safely attached.
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